ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lexical Markup Framework

The lexical markup framework is a way of organizing information so that computers can understand it better. Imagine that you have a bunch of boxes with different things inside, like toys and clothes. You want to sort them out so that you have all the toys in one box and all the clothes in another. This is what the lexical markup framework does, but instead of toys and clothes, it organizes words and their meanings.

So, let's say we have the sentence "The cat sat on the mat." The lexical markup framework will identify each word in the sentence and assign it a meaning, like 'cat' being an animal and 'mat' being something you can sit on. This makes it easier for a computer to understand what the sentence is saying and it can do things like translate it into another language or summarize it.

In summary, the lexical markup framework helps computers understand language better by organizing the meaning of each word in a sentence so that it can be easily processed and analyzed.