ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Loader (equipment)

Do you remember playing with your toy trucks and bulldozers in the sandbox? Well, real builders and construction workers use big versions of those toys in their work. One of them is called a loader.

A loader is a really big machine that has a powerful engine and big, strong wheels or tracks. It has a big scoop-shaped bucket in the front that can lift and carry lots of dirt or rocks.

It works like this: Imagine you are an ant in the dirt and you need to move a big pile of sand from one place to another. It would be very hard for you all alone, so you might ask your friends to help. That's what the loader does.

First, the driver starts the engine and moves the loader to wherever it needs to be. Then, the driver uses some levers and pedals to make the loader scoop up lots of dirt and rocks or whatever else they need to move.

Once the bucket is full, the driver can lift it up and drive the loader to wherever the dirt or rocks need to be moved to. Then they can use some more levers and pedals to tilt the bucket and pour all the dirt or rocks out.

So, the loader is like a big, strong ant that can lift and move huge piles of dirt and rocks to help builders and construction workers get their job done faster and easier!