ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Logging is like taking notes about what happened. Imagine going on a treasure hunt and you want to remember where you found a clue. You write it down in a notebook so you can look back at it later. In the same way, logging is when a computer program writes down messages about what it's doing, or what it found, so you can check later if anything went wrong or just to see what it was doing at that time.

For example, if you were playing a game on your computer and it crashed, the game might log a message that says “Oops, something went wrong and the game crashed”. That message helps the developer of the game understand what happened so they can fix the game or make sure the same bug doesn't happen again.

Logs can be very useful because they can help people figure out what went wrong when something isn't working right, like a website or an app. Or they can be used to see how many people have used a website, what they clicked on, and other useful information.

Overall, logging is like having a diary where you write down things that happen, so you can remember them later and learn from them.