ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Loon (company)

Okay kiddo, there's this company called Loon that wants to give people all over the world something really cool called internet. Now, not everyone has internet because some places are really far away, and some places don't have the right things to make internet work like cables or towers that connect to satellites.

So, what does Loon do? Well, they use big balloons that float way up high in the sky to connect to the internet. These balloons are called "stratospheric balloons" and they are very special because they can stay up in the sky for a long time, and they can move around wherever they're needed.

Here's how it works: The balloons have radios and antennas that connect to ground stations on the earth. These ground stations send information up to the balloons, and then the balloons send the information back down to people's phones and computers that are on the ground. Kind of like sending a message to your friend who's up in a tree, and then they send the message back down to you.

By using the balloons, Loon can provide internet to people who live in really remote areas, or in places where it's hard to build towers or cables. They can also help when there are disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes and people lose their internet connections.

Loon is doing something very special by using these balloons, and it will help a lot of people who don't have internet get connected.