ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Low cost solar cell

Have you ever seen a calculator or a solar-powered light? They use something called a "solar cell" to convert light from the sun into electricity. These solar cells are made up of special materials that can take sunlight and turn it into energy we can use.

Now, sometimes solar cells can be expensive to make, which makes it hard for everyone to use them. But scientists have been working on ways to make solar cells cheaper and more accessible for everyone.

One way they're doing this is by using a material called "perovskite." Perovskite is a type of mineral that can be made into a thin film and used to make solar cells. It's much cheaper than the materials used in traditional solar cells, so it could make solar power more affordable for everyone.

But there's still some work to be done before perovskite solar cells can be used on a large scale. Scientists need to figure out how to make them more durable and stable over time. But if they can figure that out, we might one day be able to use solar power to run our homes and businesses without breaking the bank.