ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lowest temperature recorded on Earth

Okay kiddo, do you remember what a thermometer is? It's a tool that helps us measure how hot or cold something is.

Well, scientists actually use thermometers to measure the temperature of different places on Earth - like deserts, oceans and even the North Pole! One place they measured the temperature was in a place called "Vostok Station" which is in Antarctica.

You see, Antarctica is a very cold place because it's covered in ice and it's really far away from the sun. So, when scientists measured the temperature at Vostok Station, they found that it was -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit! That means it was really, really cold!

To help you understand how cold that is, imagine going outside and it's so cold that even if you wear a lot of clothes, you still feel like you're shivering and your teeth are chattering. Well, at -128.6 degrees, it's so cold that if you went outside there, your breath would freeze instantly and you would need really special gear to survive.

So, that's basically the lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth - and it was in Antarctica at a place called Vostok Station.