ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Luke 20

Luke 20 is a chapter from a book called the Bible. The Bible is a big book that tells stories from a long time ago about God and people.

In Luke 20, a group of important leaders called Pharisees come to talk to a man named Jesus. They want to know why he is doing things that they don't like.

Jesus tells them a story about a man who owned a vineyard. In the story, the owner sends people to take care of the vineyard, but the people who are sent don't do a good job. The owner sends more people, but they are also not successful. Finally, the owner sends his own son to take care of the vineyard, but the people who are supposed to help him actually kill him.

After telling the story, Jesus asks the Pharisees what they think it means. The Pharisees realize that the story is about them and their behavior. They were not doing a good job taking care of the people they were supposed to be helping, and they were not treating Jesus well.

Then, the Pharisees try to trick Jesus by asking him a difficult question, but Jesus is too smart for them and gives a great answer.

Overall, Luke 20 is about how people should treat others with kindness and respect, and how we should all try to be good helpers and take care of each other.