ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Luke 24

Alright kiddo, I'll do my best to explain Luke 24 to you!

So, after Jesus died on the cross, some of his friends went to his tomb and found it empty. They were really confused and sad because they thought Jesus was gone forever. But then, two angels appeared and said that Jesus was actually alive again!

Later that day, two of Jesus' friends were walking on the road to a town called Emmaus, and Jesus himself came and walked with them, but they didn't recognize him at first. They talked about all that had happened and Jesus explained to them that everything in the scriptures had pointed to him being the Messiah.

When they sat down to eat, Jesus broke some bread and suddenly the friends realized that it was him!

After that, Jesus appeared to all of his other friends and talked to them about what was going to happen next. He told them to go and spread the good news that he was alive and that they should baptize people in his name.

So that's what Luke 24 is all about - the resurrection of Jesus and how he appeared to his friends to let them know he was alive again.