ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Magnesium in biology

Magnesium is a super important mineral that our bodies need to work properly. It's kind of like a little helper that helps lots of different parts of our body do what they're supposed to.

One of the biggest jobs magnesium has is helping our muscles work. This includes our heart – which is a really important muscle! Without magnesium, our muscles wouldn't be able to move the way they're supposed to.

Magnesium also helps our bodies make energy. Every time we move or do something active, our body needs energy to do it. And magnesium is one of the things that helps make that energy.

Lastly, magnesium helps keep our bones strong. That's why it's really important for kids to make sure they get enough magnesium in their diets – so their bones can grow strong and healthy.

So, all in all, magnesium is a pretty important little mineral that our bodies need to work properly. Remember to eat your veggies, drink your milk, and get plenty of rest to keep your magnesium levels up!