ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Manual labor college

Manual labor college is a special kind of college where you learn how to do physical work with your hands. It's a place where you can learn skills like carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, farming, and other hands-on jobs.

In a regular college, you would mostly sit in class and read books or take tests. But in a manual labor college, you will get to actually do things with your hands. You'll learn how to use tools and equipment to build things or fix things.

It's like going to a school where you get to play with toys all day, except these "toys" are things like hammers, saws, tractors, and other tools.

Many people go to manual labor college because they enjoy working with their hands and want to learn new skills that can help them get a job later on. Plus, some people find it more fulfilling to create or build something tangible compared to an abstract idea that they maybe just wrote on paper in a typical classroom.

So, in summary: manual labor college is a special school where you learn how to do physical work with your hands, like fixing things, building things, or farming. You get to use cool tools, and it's a great place to learn practical skills that can help you in your career.