Manual therapy is when someone uses their hands to help make you feel better. Think of it like a massage, but instead of just relaxing your muscles, the person doing the manual therapy will use certain techniques to help with specific problems you might be having.
For example, if you have a sore back, they might gently apply pressure to certain spots to try to make the pain go away. Or if you have trouble moving your arm, they might use some special movements to try to help you regain full range of motion.
Manual therapy isn't just about feeling good in the moment, though. It can also help improve your body's overall function and reduce pain in the long term.
Of course, it's important to always talk to a doctor or healthcare professional before trying any new therapies. But if you do decide to give manual therapy a try, just know that it might feel a little strange at first (especially if you're not used to someone touching you in that way), but it can be a really helpful tool for taking care of your body.