ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marine protected area

A marine protected area is like a playground in the ocean where certain rules are put in place to make sure everyone plays safely and the environment stays healthy. Just like when you go to a park or a pool, there are some things you are allowed to do and some things you are not allowed to do.

In a marine protected area, fish, corals, plants and other animals are protected from fishing and other human activities that could harm their habitat. For example, fishing may only be allowed in certain areas, and fishing gears like trawls and dredges that can damage the ocean floor are not allowed.

This helps to keep the animals and plants in the area safe and healthy. It's like when you put up a fence around your garden to keep the animals from eating all your plants.

Marine protected areas help to create balance in the ocean and protect important ecosystems. They are like giant sanctuaries where marine life can thrive and grow without being disturbed by humans.

People are allowed to visit and even swim through these areas, but they have to be careful not to touch or take anything from the marine protected area. Just like how you can go to a playground, but you can't take the swings home with you.

Overall, marine protected areas help to make sure that the ocean and all its amazing creatures are healthy and protected for everyone to enjoy for many years to come.