ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marine railway

A marine railway is like a big elevator that moves boats out of the water and onto land. Imagine you have a toy boat that you want to play with on the ground instead of in a bathtub. You need to pick up the boat and put it on the ground. A marine railway is like a big hand that picks up a big boat and puts it on the ground too.

First, the boat drives onto a platform that is next to the railway. Then, the platform is raised up in the air using big metal wheels and gears, just like a toy elevator goes up and down. Once the platform, with the boat on top, is high enough, it can move along the railway tracks and be slowly lowered down onto land.

This is really helpful for boats because it allows people to clean and repair them out of the water, and also lets them work on the bottom parts of the boat that are usually hidden under the water. Without a marine railway, it would be really hard to work on a boat because you would have to do everything while it's floating in the water.

Overall, a marine railway is a big and helpful tool for moving boats out of the water and onto land. It's like a big elevator for boats!