ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Markov text

Do you know how sometimes when you talk or write, you say or write words that come from the words you said or wrote before? Well, that's kind of how Markov text works.

Markov text is when a computer looks at a bunch of words and tries to predict which words might come next based on the words that came before. The computer uses something called a Markov model to do this.

It's kind of like a game of follow the leader. The computer looks at the words that came before and then chooses the most likely word to come next based on what it knows about the language. For example, if the computer sees the words "I like to eat" it might predict that the next word could be food, pizza, or hamburgers because those are words that often come after "I like to eat".

This can be useful for things like creating automatic text messages or generating new content for a website. The computer can use the Markov model to write sentences that sound like something a person might say or write.

So, basically, Markov text is a fancy computer trick that tries to guess which words might come next based on the words that came before. Cool, huh?