ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marriage of convenience

Well, imagine you have a best friend who really needs your help. Their family lives far away and they don't have anyone to take care of them. You want to help them, but you can't just bring them to live with you because there are laws about who can live in your house. But what if you got married to your best friend? Then they would be allowed to live with you because you're family!

This is what some people do when they get married for a "convenience". It means that the marriage is not for love or because they want to start a family together, but because they need help with something. Sometimes people need to get married to stay in a certain country, or to get certain benefits like health insurance or tax breaks.

It's important to remember that getting married for a convenience should not be taken lightly because it's a serious commitment. It's like promising to be best friends forever, but with even more rules and responsibilities. So while it can be helpful to some people, it's not a decision to make without thinking it through.