ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Matthew 22

Matthew 22 is a part of the Bible that talks about a story that Jesus told to some people who were trying to trick him. In the story, there was a king who was throwing a big party for his son's wedding. He invited a lot of people to come to the party, but when the party was ready, all the people he had invited didn't want to come anymore. They had other things they wanted to do instead.

So the king sent his servants out to invite other people to the party, anyone who would come. And a lot of people did come and they had a wonderful time at the party.

The story is trying to teach us that sometimes we get so busy with other things in our lives that we forget about the important things, like spending time with family and friends. And when we do that, we are missing out on something really wonderful.

Jesus was telling this story to remind people to make time for the things that are truly important in life and not to let themselves get caught up in other things that might not be as important in the long run.
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