ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Media democracy

Media democracy is when everyone is able to participate in how their news and information is made and shared. It's like if you and your friends all got to take turns picking which TV show to watch or which game to play. Instead of just one grown-up telling everyone what to do.

When we have media democracy, everyone has a say in what news stories get told and how they get told. It's like a big group decision where everyone gets to share their ideas and opinions. That way, we can be sure that we're getting news that's fair and accurate, and that everyone's voice is heard.

Some people think that media democracy is really important because it helps us make informed decisions about what's going on in the world. Others think it's just cool because everyone gets to be involved and have a say. Either way, it's way more fun and fair than just having one or two people in charge of everything!