ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so imagine you have a big family and they live in a big house. But sometimes, some members of the family have to leave the house and go to live somewhere else. When that happens, we call them megorashim.

These people may leave the house for many different reasons. Maybe they want to live in a different place, or they have to move away for work or school. Sometimes, they may even be forced to leave because of something bad that happened in the house.

Whatever the reason may be, when someone becomes megorash, they are no longer living in the house with the rest of the family. They can still keep in touch with their family and visit them, but they have their own place to live now.

In some cultures and religions, there are special rules and traditions surrounding megorashim. For example, in Judaism, megorashim may have specific rights and responsibilities when it comes to their religious practices and community involvement.

So, in short, megorashim are family members who have left the family house to live somewhere else. It can happen for many reasons, and there may be special rules and traditions surrounding this situation in certain cultures and religions.