ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Melitta 401

So, do you know what a coffee filter is? It's like a special paper that helps you make coffee by filtering out all the gross bits and leaving you with delicious coffee.

Well, the Melitta 401 is a fancy coffee filter holder. It's like a little plastic cup with a big hole at the bottom, and you put your coffee filter in it. Then, you put it on top of your coffee pot and pour your hot water and coffee into the filter.

What's so special about the Melitta 401? Well, it has these special ridges on the inside that help the hot water flow evenly through the coffee grounds, giving you a more even and tasty cup of coffee. Plus, it's really easy to use and makes cleaning up after making coffee super quick!

So, if you want to make really yummy coffee that's easy to make and clean up, you can use the Melitta 401!