ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Metanoia (psychology)

Okay kiddo, let me explain what metanoia means in psychology.

Have you ever made a mistake or felt like you did something wrong? Well, metanoia is when you realize that you made a mistake and you want to change your ways to make things better. It's when you have a change of heart and mind about something you once believed or did.

Let's pretend you have a bad habit of yelling when you get frustrated. One day, you realize that your yelling is causing harm to others and yourself, and you decide to work on not yelling anymore. This is an example of metanoia – you recognized a behavior that was causing harm and you made the choice to change it.

So, metanoia is really just a fancy word for when we have a realization that we need to make a change and take steps to do so. It’s all about growing and becoming better people.