ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Methine is a special molecule that is made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms. It is a part of the larger family of organic molecules called hydrocarbons.

Imagine that the carbon atoms are like Lego blocks, and the hydrogen atoms are like the little bumps on the Lego blocks. When these Lego-like carbon atoms come together, they form a chain. Sometimes, in this chain of carbon atoms, there is a special carbon atom that has three bumps or holes instead of the usual four. This special carbon atom is called methine.

When these carbon atoms come together, they connect like a train cars to make a long chain. But when they reach the methine carbon atom, instead of continuing in a straight line, they have to bend or turn. This bend or turn is what makes methine special.

Now, why is methine important? Methine is found in many different kinds of molecules, and it gives those molecules special properties. For example, in plants, methine is found in a molecule called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is what gives plants their green color and helps them make food through a process called photosynthesis. Methine is also found in molecules called fatty acids, which are important for making our body's cells and giving us energy.

So, to summarize, methine is a special carbon atom in a chain of carbon atoms that helps give molecules special properties. It can be found in things like chlorophyll in plants and fatty acids in our bodies.