ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let's talk about microfunctions! It's a bit like building with Legos. You have a bunch of tiny blocks that you can put together to create cool things like a spaceship or a castle.

In computer science, a microfunction is kind of like a tiny Lego block. It's a small piece of code that does a very specific thing. For example, one microfunction might be responsible for adding two numbers together, while another might be in charge of sorting a list of names alphabetically.

Just like how you can combine Lego blocks to create bigger things, programmers can combine microfunctions to create larger programs.

One of the great things about microfunctions is that they can be reused in different programs. So just like how you can use the same Lego pieces to build different things, programmers can use the same microfunctions in different programs. This saves time and makes coding a lot easier.

So, microfunctions are like tiny blocks of code that do specific things, and they can be combined to create bigger programs. Cool, huh?