ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Microwave landing system

Okay kiddo, have you heard of airplanes that fly in the sky? They have a special device called a "microwave landing system" that helps them land safely on the ground.

When an airplane is getting ready to land, the pilots need to be able to see the runway clearly, especially if it's dark outside or if there's bad weather. The microwave landing system uses special beams of light called "microwaves" that are sent out from antennas on the ground.

These microwaves bounce off special sensors on the airplane and help the pilots know exactly where they are in relation to the runway. The system can even give the pilots directions on how to adjust the plane's speed and altitude to land safely.

So, to sum it up, the microwave landing system is like a special set of eyes and ears for airplanes that helps them land safely on the ground, even when it's hard to see.