ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Military occupation

Imagine you and your friends are playing a game, but one person decides that they get to make all the rules and they also get to boss everyone else around. This is kind of like what military occupation can be, but instead of just playing a game, it's real life and it can last for a really long time.

Military occupation happens when one country's military takes over another country's land and controls everything that goes on there. They might do this because they want to keep the people in that other country safe, or because they want to make sure nobody else takes over that land.

But what does "controlling everything" really mean? It means the military decides what rules people have to follow, and they can punish anyone who doesn't follow the rules. They might also take over important buildings like hospitals and schools, and make sure everyone who works there follows their rules too.

Sometimes, people who live in the occupied land might be really unhappy with what the military is doing and they might try to fight back. This is called "resistance", and it can make things even more difficult for both the military and the people living there.

Overall, military occupation can be really complicated and it can last a long time. It's kind of like a big game of "pretend" where the military gets to be in charge of everything, but it can have serious consequences for the people living in the occupied land.