ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Mittelafrika is like when you go to the store and you buy different kinds of things to make a big party. You have balloons, cake, games, and drinks. Now imagine if you went to a place where there were lots of stores selling things for parties, and you decided to make a big party with everything you could find in all those stores. That's kind of like what happened with Mittelafrika.

A long time ago, some people from a country called Germany went to a place in Africa called Congo, and they started taking over different areas. They wanted to make a big empire in Africa, like they had in Europe. So, they took over a bunch of different places and called it Mittelafrika, which means "Central Africa" in German.

Mittelafrika included a lot of different places, like Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and more. The Germans tried to control all of these places and make them into one big area that they could rule. But it was really hard to do because the people who lived there had their own languages, cultures, and ways of doing things.

Eventually, after World War I, Germany lost control of Mittelafrika and the different places went back to being separate countries. But some of the ways that the Germans tried to control the area have had a big impact on the people who live there today. That's why people still talk about Mittelafrika and why it's an important part of history.