ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Modernity is a big word that describes how the world has changed over time. It's like a book that tells the story of how people used to live, how they live now, and how they might live in the future.

A long time ago, people used to live in small groups and hunt for food. They didn't have technology like computers, phones, or cars. They would make their own clothes and live in simple houses. That was the olden days.

But then, people started to invent things like steam engines and electricity. They started using machines to make things like clothes and furniture. This made life a lot easier for people, and they could make things faster and in bigger quantities.

As more and more inventions came out, people started to live differently. They moved from the countryside to the city and started to work in factories. They had more access to education, and they began to question the things that they once thought were just the way things were done.

Today, we have a lot of technology that makes our lives easier, like smartphones and computers. We can connect with people from all over the world with just a few clicks. We have access to information at our fingertips. We can travel to different countries by airplane. We can even have things delivered to our homes with just a few taps on our phones.

Modernity is all about how the world has changed and how people live today. It's about how we use technology to make our lives easier, and how we can continue to improve our world.