ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Moirai are very important and powerful ladies who are also known as the Fates. They are like magical ladies who control your life and decide your future. There are three Moirai sisters: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos.

Clotho is the youngest sister and she spins the thread of your life. Imagine she has a big ball of yarn and she's rolling it out to create a thread that represents your life. This thread will have all the good and bad things that will happen to you.

Lachesis is the middle sister and she measures your thread. She decides how long your life will be and what challenges you will face. She’s like a fortune teller who can see your future but she can’t change it.

Atropos is the eldest sister and she cuts your thread when it’s time for you to die. She’s like a big scissors that cuts the thread of life when it is time for someone to go.

So, imagine the three sisters working together, Clotho rolling out your thread, Lachesis measuring it, and Atropos cutting it when it is time for you to go. They control your destiny, but don't worry, there is always a chance to make your life the best it can be!