ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Moore's second law

Hi there kiddo! Moore's Second Law is a really important rule that talks about how quickly technology improves every year. You know how you grow bigger and stronger every year? Well, computers and other electronic devices also grow bigger and stronger too!

The Second Law is named after a man named Gordon Moore who noticed something special back in the 1960s. He saw that every year, computer chips (which are like the brains of computers) were getting smaller and could fit more and more things on them. He predicted that this trend would continue and that computer chips would keep getting smaller and more powerful every year.

And you know what? He was right! Moore's Second Law says that every two years, the amount of components (like tiny transistors) on a computer chip will roughly double in size. This means that computers can do more and more things every year, and they can do them faster too!

So, when you get older and start using more technology, you'll probably notice that your gadgets are getting even better and faster every year. And that's all thanks to Moore's Second Law! Pretty cool, right?