ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Moors were a group of people who lived in Europe a long time ago, kind of like kings and queens. They were known for being really good at things like music, art, and science. They were also really good at building things like mosquitos and palaces.

The Moors were from North Africa and they came to Spain in the 8th century. They took over a big part of the country and stayed there for a long time. They mixed with the people who were already living in Spain and created a new culture that had a lot of great things from both places.

The Moors were Muslim, which means they believed in one god and followed the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed. They brought their religion with them to Spain and built a lot of beautiful mosques, which are like big buildings where people go to pray.

Eventually, the Moors were pushed out of Spain and had to leave. But the things they built and the culture they created were an important part of the history of Europe.