ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A morgue is a special room where dead people go to be examined and prepared for burial or cremation. It’s sort of like a hospital for people who can’t be helped anymore, except after they die. People who work in morgues are called coroners or medical examiners, and they wear special clothes to protect themselves from germs and other yucky things that come with dead bodies.

When someone dies, they might need to go to the morgue so that the coroner can figure out what happened. Sometimes it’s because someone killed them and the police need to investigate. Other times, they might have died suddenly and the doctors want to know why so they can prevent it from happening to other people.

In the morgue, the coroner will examine the person’s body really carefully, looking for any clues about what might have caused their death. They might take samples of blood or tissue to test, or take pictures of the body to show what it looks like. Sometimes they even use special machines to scan the body and see inside.

After the examination is done, the dead person is cleaned up and prepared for burial or cremation. This might involve washing their body, putting on clean clothes, or sealing their body in a special bag. Then they’ll be taken to their final resting place, whether that’s a cemetery or a crematorium.
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