Hi there! So, have you ever gone outside and seen bugs crawling around? Some people like to study those bugs and learn about them, and that's where mortichnia comes in.
Mortichnia is a big word that means "traces left behind by creatures after they die." That might sound a little bit spooky, but it's actually a really cool way to learn about the kinds of animals that used to live in a certain area a long time ago.
Sometimes, when an animal dies, its body will leave imprints or markings on the ground. Maybe it walked through some mud, or maybe its bones fell a certain way. These markings can tell scientists a lot of information about the animal- like how big it was, what kind of feet it had, and even how it might have moved around when it was alive.
So, mortichnia is like a clue that helps scientists learn more about animals and how they lived. It's pretty cool, right?