ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multiple-criteria decision analysis

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to choose between two things, but both options had their advantages and disadvantages? Maybe you wanted to decide which toy to buy at the store or which movie to watch on TV. Multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is a process that helps people make decisions when there are many factors to consider.

Imagine you have a toy store with lots of products. You have to decide which ones to stock on the shelves. MCDA would help you take into account all the different factors that are important to consider like the price, customer demand, shelf space, and profit margin. By looking at each factor and rating it in terms of importance, you can weigh the pros and cons of each item and choose the ones that are most beneficial for your store.

Now, let's say you are trying to choose between two movies to watch on TV. You can use MCDA to consider different criteria like the length of the movie, the genre, ratings, actors, and the storyline. By giving each criterion a rating based on how important it is to you, you can compare the two movies and decide which one you want to watch.

In summary, MCDA is a process that helps people make decisions by considering multiple criteria or factors. By rating each factor based on its importance, people can weigh the pros and cons of each option and make the decision that is best for them. So, next time you have to make a tough choice, remember MCDA can help you out!