Multitaper refers to a method used by scientists and researchers to analyze signals or data with a lot of noise, or irrelevant information. Think of it like being at a party with a lot of people talking at once, making it difficult to hear one specific conversation.
To make sense of this noisy environment, you might put your hands around your ears to try and block out some of the noise, allowing you to focus on one conversation. Multitaper works in a similar way.
Instead of using your hands, multitaper uses a group of different "tapers," or mathematical functions that weigh different parts of the signal, to isolate specific parts of the data that are important or relevant.
Think of each taper as a different colored filter. When you overlap several different colored filters over an image, you can see specific details that would be hard to pick out with just one filter. Similarly, when you use several different tapers to analyze a signal, you can extract important information that would be difficult to see with just one method of analysis.
Multitaper is a powerful tool because it helps researchers extract useful information from noisy or complex data, allowing them to better understand the world around us.