Murray's system of needs is a theory about what makes people happy and can help us understand why some people are more successful than others. It suggests that there are five levels of needs – physical, safety, belonging, esteem, and self- actualization. At each level, a person needs to be fulfilled in order for them to be happy.
Physical needs are things like food, water and shelter. Safety needs include feeling secure, free from danger and free from financial worries. Belonging needs are the need to connect with people and to feel that we are accepted and loved by others. Esteem needs include feeling respected and having a sense of accomplishment. Finally, self-actualization needs are about having faith in yourself and reaching your potential.
So, according to Murray's system of needs, to be truly happy a person needs to meet all five levels of needs. For example, someone needs to feel safe, connected with people, respected, and successful, in addition to having access to food and water. If someone is missing any of these needs, it is hard for them to be truly happy.