ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mysore silk

Okay kiddo, so you know how clothes are made from different types of materials like cotton or wool? Well, Mysore silk is a very special kind of silk that comes from a place called Mysore in India.

Silk comes from the cocoons of a type of worm called a silkworm. In Mysore, they have a special kind of silkworm called the Mulberry silkworm which makes very high-quality silk.

The process of making this silk is very complicated. First, the silkworms eat a special diet of mulberry leaves. They spin cocoons made out of very thin threads of silk. These cocoons are then carefully heated to make the silk fibers stronger.

After that, the cocoons are carefully unwound to get a continuous thread of silk. This thread is then dyed into beautiful colors and woven into fabric.

Mysore silk is very famous around the world for its softness, strength and beautiful designs. People even use it to make fancy sarees, which is a traditional dress worn in India.

So there you go, kiddo! Mysore silk comes from special silkworms in India, who make very delicate cocoons that are turned into soft, strong fabric that people use to make beautiful clothes.