ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Names and titles of Jesus in the New Testament

So, you know how people have different names, like you might have a friend named Sarah but her mom calls her "sweetie" and her grandma calls her "honey"? Well, Jesus also has different names or titles in the Bible.

One of the main names for Jesus is just "Jesus." This was his given name, kind of like how your name is your name.

But there are other names or titles that describe who Jesus is and what he means to people. Here are some examples:

- Son of God: This means that Jesus is the Son of God, like how you might call yourself the daughter of your mom and dad. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God because God is his father – this is part of the Christian belief system.
- Messiah: This means that Jesus was sent by God to save people from their sins. The word "Messiah" comes from Hebrew language and it means "anointed one" – like a king or a prophet. Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah because he fulfilled many prophecies from the Old Testament about a savior who would come to Earth.
- Lamb of God: This is a bit of a strange one, but it means that Jesus is like a lamb – a gentle and innocent animal – who was sacrificed to save people from their sins. In the Old Testament, lambs were often used for sacrifices as a way of asking God for forgiveness. Christians believe that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice who paid for all of our sins so we could be forgiven by God.
- Lord: This is a title that was often used for kings and powerful people in the past. When Christians refer to Jesus as "Lord," they are saying that he is the ruler of everything and everyone. It's like calling him the "boss" of the world.
- Savior: This name means that Jesus saves people from sin and death. It's similar to "Messiah," but focuses more on what Jesus has done to help people. Christians believe that Jesus is their savior because he died on the cross and rose again, defeating death and making it possible for them to have eternal life with God.

There are many other names and titles for Jesus in the Bible, but these are some of the most common ones you might hear. Each one helps us understand who Jesus is and what he means to Christians.