ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nanotextured surface

Okay kiddo, so you know how some things feel smooth like a mirror or a marble countertop, and some things feel rough like sandpaper or a rock? Well, scientists have figured out a way to make surfaces that are really, really, itty-bitty rough. They call this kind of surface a nanotextured surface.

Nanotextured surfaces are so small that you can't see them with your eyes, or even with a microscope that you might use in science class. They're made by using some really cool technology called nanofabrication. Think of it like building a teeny tiny city, but instead of using bricks and mortar, you use tiny machines and chemicals to make structures on the very small scale.

Why would anyone want to make something so small and rough, you might ask? Well, scientists have found that nanotextured surfaces have some really cool properties. For example, they can help materials become super water-repellent, or help them stick to each other better. They can also make materials more durable or flexible.

One example of a nanotextured surface that you might have seen before is on a gecko's feet. Geckos can climb up walls and ceilings because their feet have lots of tiny hairs on them that create a nanotextured surface. This makes their feet sticky, so they can walk upside down without falling.

Overall, nanotextured surfaces are a really exciting field of science that can help us make new materials and technologies with amazing properties.