ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nebra sky disk

The Nebra Sky Disk is a very old artifact that was discovered in Germany. It is a round and flat piece of bronze that has various shapes and designs on it, including a sun, a moon, and stars. The disk was made a very long time ago, more than 3,600 years ago!

The people who made the Nebra Sky Disk were living in a time before we had things like telescopes or cameras to help us learn about the sky. Instead, they used their eyes and their imaginations to study the stars and the other things they could see in the sky. They made the Nebra Sky Disk to help them keep track of important events, like when the seasons changed or when it was time to plant crops.

The disk is also very special because it shows the oldest known depiction of the Pleiades star cluster. The Pleiades are a group of stars that have always been very important to people because they are very bright and easy to see. For many cultures around the world, the Pleiades were used to help tell time and mark important events.

Today, the Nebra Sky Disk is a very important artifact for scientists and historians because it gives us a glimpse into how people in ancient times thought about and studied the sky.