ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so let's imagine that your parents sometimes have a drink of alcohol. Sometimes, they drink a little bit to relax or have fun, just like how you might have a sweet treat or play with your toys to relax or have fun.

Now, some grown-ups believe that drinking alcohol is not good for people in general. They have different reasons for thinking this, like maybe they know someone who had a problem with drinking or maybe they think that people can get sick or hurt from drinking too much.

These grown-ups are called "neo-prohibitionists", which is a big word that just means they want to stop or limit the amount of alcohol that people drink. They might try to do this by making laws that limit how much alcohol people can buy or drink, or by trying to make people feel guilty or ashamed for drinking at all.

It's kind of like if your parents decided that you could only have one piece of candy instead of two, because they thought too much candy was bad for you. Neo-prohibitionists just extend that idea to alcohol for grown-ups.

However, some people don't agree with the neo-prohibitionists. They think that adults should be allowed to make their own choices about what they drink, and that having a drink every once in a while is okay as long as it's done responsibly.

So, basically, neo-prohibitionism is when some grown-ups want to limit how much alcohol people can have because they think it's not good for them, but other people disagree and think that adults should be allowed to make their own choices about it.