ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Nomophobia is when someone feels anxious or uncomfortable when they are away from their phone. It's like when you feel sad or scared when you can't find your favorite toy. For some people, their phone is like a best friend that they can't be without.

Nomophobia comes from two words: "no-mobile-phone-phobia." It means that someone is afraid or phobic of being without their mobile phone.

Phones can do so many things now. They can tell you the weather, play games, and show you pictures of your family and friends. So, it's hard for some people to be away from them.

Just like how you might carry your stuffed animal with you everywhere you go, some adults carry their phones with them everywhere. They might check their phone a lot or feel nervous if they don't have it nearby.

However, it's important to remember that phones are supposed to help us communicate with people and make our lives easier. It's okay to take a break from your phone sometimes and do other things, like playing outside or reading a book.