ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Non-market economics

Non-market economics is like when you and your friends want to play together and don’t use money to decide who gets to play what. It’s when people make decisions about things like what they want to eat, where they want to go, and how they want to spend their time without buying or selling it.

In non-market economics, people work together to make decisions about what they need and how to get it, without relying on money to make those decisions. Instead, people work together to share knowledge and resources, like food and tools. In this way, everyone in the group benefits from the knowledge and resources of others.

An example of non-market economics might be a community garden, where people work together to grow food for themselves and others, without selling it for money. Another might be a time bank, where people exchange favors or services instead of money.

Non-market economics can be an important way to build strong communities, promote equality, and foster cooperation. By working together, people can meet their needs and achieve their goals without relying on the profit motive that often drives market-based economies.