ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nuclear operator

A nuclear operator is a person who works at a power plant where electricity is made using something called nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is a type of energy that comes from tiny particles called atoms.

The nuclear operator's job is to make sure that the power plant is working properly and that the nuclear reactions inside the plant are safe. Think of the power plant like a big machine with lots of important parts that need to work well. The nuclear operator watches over all of these parts and makes sure they are doing their job.

To do this, the nuclear operator has to be very smart and talented. They go to school for a long time to learn all about how nuclear energy works and how to operate the machines in the power plant. They also have to pay very close attention to what is happening inside the power plant at all times.

So, basically, a nuclear operator is someone who keeps a really important machine called a power plant running smoothly and safely.