ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oblique argument

Alrighty kiddo, let me tell you about oblique arguments! Sometimes when we talk about something or someone, we want to say something about it or them that's important, but we don't want to use a specific word or phrase to describe it directly. Instead, we use an oblique argument!

Think about it like this: let's say you want to talk about a really big dog you saw at the park. Now, you could just say "Hey, I saw a really big dog at the park!" But sometimes, we want to say more about it without using the words "big" or "dog" specifically. Maybe we want to be more descriptive or more creative with our language. So we might say something like "At the park, I saw an animal that was as tall as a horse and had giant paws!"

See how we didn't say "big dog," but we still got the message across? We used an oblique argument, which is just another way of describing something or someone without using its exact name or label.

So kiddo, that's what oblique arguments are all about. It's a fancy way of talking about something without saying its name or using a specific word or phrase. It lets us be more creative with our language and express ourselves in different ways!