An old wives' tale is just a story that some people believe to be true, but is not really supported by science or facts. These stories are usually passed down through generations and told by older women - hence the name "old wives". Sometimes, these tales can seem like they make sense, but they're not always true.
For example, have you ever heard that if you swallow chewing gum, it stays in your stomach for seven years? That's an old wives' tale! It's not true. Your body is able to digest chewing gum like other foods, and it won't stay in your stomach for seven years.
Another common old wives' tale is that if you go outside with wet hair in the cold, you'll catch a cold. This isn't true either! Colds are caused by viruses, not by being cold or wet.
So, remember not to believe everything you hear, especially if it's an old wives' tale! Always ask a trusted adult or try to find reliable information to help you figure out what's true and what's not.