ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Olfactory receptor

Have you ever smelled something and recognized it right away? Maybe your mom's perfume or your dad's cooking? Well, your nose can do that because it has tiny little things inside of it called olfactory receptors.

Think of your nose like a big, empty room with lots of tiny, tiny rooms inside. These little rooms are where the olfactory receptors live. When you smell something, tiny particles from that thing float into your nose and stick to those little olfactory receptor rooms.

Each olfactory receptor room is specialized to recognize different smells. So if you smell flowers, some of the flower particles will stick to your olfactory receptor rooms that are designed to recognize that smell. Then, your brain can tell you "hey! that's flowers!" and you'll know what you're smelling.

Pretty cool, huh? Even though they're really small and hard to see, olfactory receptors are super important for letting us enjoy different smells in the world around us.