ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Trace amine-associated receptor

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what trace amine-associated receptors are in a way that you can understand.

Our bodies have tiny parts called cells that send messages to our brain so we can feel, see, taste, and do everything we do! Sometimes, these cells use special things called receptors to send the messages. Receptors are like tiny mailboxes that receive mail (signals) and then send them to the brain.

Trace amine-associated receptors are a type of receptor that our brain uses. They are called “trace amine-associated” because they help our brain sense tiny amounts of chemicals called “trace amines”. Trace amines are similar to the chemicals in your body that make you feel happy or excited, but they are found in very tiny amounts!

What’s amazing is that these receptors can detect these tiny amounts of trace amines and send a signal to our brain so we can feel things like motivation or happiness.

Scientists are still learning about these special receptors and how they work in our body, but they already know that they play an important role in how we feel and behave. They are like little messengers that help our brain do its job!