ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Olga of Kiev

Olga of Kiev was a very important lady who lived a very long time ago. She was born around the year 890 in a place that is now called Pskov in Russia.

When Olga was still a young lady, she became the wife of a man named Igor. Igor was a prince and he ruled over a place that was called Kievan Rus, which was a big country that included parts of what is now Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus.

One day, Igor went on a trip to visit some other countries and while he was gone, some people who didn't like him very much decided to kill him. This made Olga very sad, but it also made her very angry.

Olga decided that she was going to get revenge for her husband's death. She didn't just want to get even with the people who killed him; she also wanted to make sure that they didn't do something like that again.

So Olga went on a journey to meet the people who had killed her husband. When she got there, she didn't act angry or vengeful. Instead, she pretended to be their friend and she asked them to show her around their city.

At one point during the tour, the people took Olga to a bathhouse. They didn't know that Olga had a secret plan.

Once they were all inside the bathhouse, Olga gave a signal and her soldiers came in and killed everyone in there. This was very mean, but Olga thought it was necessary to make sure that they wouldn't try to harm her or her people again.

After that, Olga became even more powerful and she did many great things for her country. She went on to rule as a regent until her son was old enough to take over as prince.

So Olga was a very brave and clever lady who loved her husband very much, but who also didn't let anyone mess with her or her people.