ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey there!

Open-access refers to the way we share information, like books, articles, and data, with everyone, for free. It's like sharing toys with your friends because you want them to enjoy them, too!

Sometimes, when important information is found, like a new scientific discovery, it's published in something called a journal. People have to pay money to read that journal, which makes it so not everyone can get access to it.

But with open-access, the information is free for whoever wants to read it! It's like if you had a toybox full of toys, and you told all of your friends they could come and play with them whenever they want, for free!

So, open-access is just about sharing information with everyone instead of making people pay for it. It helps make sure that everyone can learn from and build on what others have discovered, like you and your friends playing with different toys together!