ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Oral tradition

Oral tradition is a way of sharing stories or information with others by speaking instead of writing it down. Imagine you want to tell your friend a story about the time you went to the park and saw a squirrel. Instead of writing it in a book, you would just tell your friend what happened.

This way of sharing stories has been around for a long, long time - even before people knew how to write things down. People would sit around a fire, for example, and tell stories to each other. They might tell stories about their ancestors or stories about how things came to be. Many cultures around the world still pass down their traditions and history through oral storytelling.

One of the cool things about oral tradition is that the stories can change a bit over time as different people share them. This means that stories can grow and evolve as they get passed down through generations of people. And since the stories are spoken out loud instead of written down, they can also have a special kind of energy or feeling to them.