ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Orthomolecular medicine

Orthomolecular medicine is a type of medical treatment that believes in fixing problems in the body by giving it the right amount of nutrients it needs. It thinks that sometimes diseases or sickness happen when your body doesn't have enough of certain vitamins or minerals.

It's like when you're building a puzzle and you're missing a piece. You can try lots of things like glue or tape to fix it, but the best way to fix it is to find the missing piece and put it in the right spot. Orthomolecular medicine thinks about the body like a puzzle and tries to find the missing piece or nutrient that the body needs to get better.

Doctors who follow orthomolecular medicine believe that certain vitamins and minerals can help your body work better and stay healthy. They might give you extra vitamins or minerals in pill form or in food to help you feel better.

So, orthomolecular medicine tries to fix the puzzle of the body by giving it the right pieces it needs to work properly.